Pure Michigan Small Business Grant Applications Open Dec. 15
(State of Michigan, Dec. 3, 2020)
The Pure Michigan Small Business Relief Initiative will utilize federal CARES Act funding to provide $10 million in grants to meet the urgent need of Michigan small businesses disproportionately impacted the COVID-19 virus.
Applications for businesses to apply will open on December 15, 2020.
Grants will be awarded in the amount of up to $15,000 per eligible business on a “first-in” basis. Grant funds will assist eligible small businesses directly impacted by COVID-19 meet urgent working capital needs including payroll expenses, rent or mortgage payments and utility expenses in the following industries:
Restaurants, bars and other food and beverage service providers
Travel and tourism destinations including lodging providers
Live event venues and movie theaters
Conference and meeting facilities
Ice skating rinks, indoor water parks and bowling centers
Gyms and fitness centers
More information and full qualification details are available at michiganbusiness.org/relief.