2020 Candidate Interview: Valerie Murray for Bloomfield Twp. Trustee
In the Democratic Primary the candidates are Stephanie Fakih, Mitsauaki Murashige, Valerie Sayles Murray, and Linda Ulrey.
In the Democratic Primary the candidates are Stephanie Fakih, Mitsauaki Murashige, Valerie Sayles Murray, and Linda Ulrey.
For Groveland Township Trustee there are two spots and three candidates: incumbent Jim Christopher, incumbent Gina Muzzerlli, and Susan Taylor.
In the Republican Primary candidates are Derek Burton, Patrick Feeney, Steve Ruth, and Tim Terpening.
In the race for Oakland Township Trustee there are six candidates running for four spots, all of whom are running on the Republican ticket.
State Representative of the 35th District Kyra Harris Bolden is being challenged in the Aug. 4, 2020 Democratic Primary by Shadia Martini.
State Representative Padma Kuppa, a Democrat, of the 41st District is running for reelection. Also on the ballot is Republican Andrew Sosnoski.
On the Republican side voters will chose between Tina Barton and Patrick Wilson.