Hazel Park Teen… in National #VoicesThatGive Contest
Dudley, playing guitar and singing John Lennon’s “Imagine, has made it to the semi-finals with 46 other artists competing for a prize package fit for an up and coming star.
Dudley, playing guitar and singing John Lennon’s “Imagine, has made it to the semi-finals with 46 other artists competing for a prize package fit for an up and coming star.
“Students sometimes don’t have the courage to speak up for themselves…Resources like that can honestly save a life.”
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are two candidates from the Republican Party and two candidates from the Democratic Party on the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary ballot.
In the race for Oakland County Sheriff Incumbent Michael Bouchard, a Republican, is on the ballot, as is Democrat Vincent Gregory.
In the Aug. 4 Democratic Primary voters in Oakland County will chose between incumbent Jessica Cooper and challenger Karen McDonald for Oakland County Prosecutor.
In the race for State Representative of the 27th District there are several candidates running in the Democratic Primary.
The grants, which ranged from $4,000 to $500,000, will help the organizations restore vital services and programs for Oakland County residents such as food distribution, shelter, health care and financial assistance that were reduced or eliminated because of the pandemic.
Usually there’s only two or three bassoonists and one contrabassoonist playing as a section as a part of a larger orchestra. Here we got to bring all of our orchestra sections together and have a big bassoon band, something we have never done in person!”
In the race for State Representative of the 27th District, the candidates are: Democrat Regina Weiss, Republican Elizabeth Goss, Libertarian Gregory Stempfle, and Green Party candidate Sherry Wells.
In the race for State Representative of the 45th District there are two candidates on the Democratic Primary ballot: Barb Anness and Brendan Johnson
The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) has opened the Maple Road and Middlebelt Road roundabout in West Bloomfield Township, which had been closed while the contractor completed the roundabout at the intersection.
Like every community across the nation, Royal Oak businesses, workers, and institutions are feeling the economic pains of the pandemic,” said Royal Oak Mayor Mike Fournier
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are two candidates from the Republican Party and two candidates from the Democratic Party on the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary ballot.
David Carl Anderson is running for the seat, which has a term lasting through Nov. 8, 2021.
It is an encouraging sign, but more needs to be done outside our bubble.
Want to see how your neighborhood is doing and take the challenge to be to 100 percent first?
In the race for State Representative of the 27th District there are several candidates running in the Democratic Primary.
In the race for State Representative of the 38th District the candidates are Democrat Kelly Breen and Republican Chase Turner.
In the race for State Representative of the 45th District there are two candidates on the Democratic Primary ballot: Barb Anness and Brendan Johnson.
Restaurants and eligible businesses interesting in applying for a Temporary Outdoor Sales License may apply at https://fhgov.com/Forms/COVID-application.aspx.