Sheriff Bouchard Speaks Out Against Officers Involved in Death of George Floyd
(OCSO, May 30, 2020)
Oakland County Sheriff Michael J. Bouchard has issued the following statement related to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota:
“Watching the situation unfolding in Minnesota I must express my sadness, anger, and utter disbelief regarding the events which have transpired over the past few days. We have witnessed the images and horrific videos surrounding the death of George Floyd, and the rioting and looting which has occurred after the tragic death.
The actions of all the officers involved are deplorable. This goes for the officers who caused the death as well as those who stood by and did nothing. They must be held accountable. In the midst of dealing with a pandemic which we have all been called upon to do more, we are now left with a stain on our profession due to the actions and inaction of a few officers who have brought disgrace to the badge and the oath we are all sworn to uphold. These few officers have tainted the view of over 800,000 of us nationwide. However, we know better. This is not how we train; it is unacceptable and should any of our Deputies witness something similar happening, they are expected to intervene. Our profession must root out and expel the bad apples. We must focus on the best hiring and training practices to ensure the best possible outcomes for all.
We cannot let this define us. As a profession and individually, we must go out of our way to ensure communities of color know this is not what professional policing looks like. All people will be treated with respect and dignity. I know the heart and character of the men and women of policing. They put on a uniform to help people in what is often the worst moments of their lives. They are willing to work holidays, crazy shifts, and face danger head-on because they want to make a difference. That is what must and will rise to the surface.”