The Ups and Downs in Oakland County – 2019 Population Estimates Released
(Kurt Metzger, May 26, 2020)
On Thursday the Census Bureau released its last set of population estimates until the 2020 Census results are released by July of 2021.
While they are just estimates, and need to be viewed as that, they do provide a set of numbers that each community should analyze as part of their 2020 outreach efforts. Every year the Census Bureau creates county population estimates using births, deaths, and migration (in and out) and adding that total to the previous year’s estimates.
Estimates for cities, villages and townships are created using an estimate of the number of housing units (taking into account new builds and demolitions), estimating a vacancy rate and average household size. Occupied units x household size yields a total population. Cities and township totals are added together and then adjusted so they equal the county total.
While the numbers give us an idea of growing and declining areas (only Pontiac, Hazel Park and Pleasant Ridge) lost pop between 2018 and 19, as well as over the decade), they are just estimates and no funding is tied to them. They serve as an indication of what to expect with the Census, and serve to tell leadership how important it is to do whatever they can to make sure Everyone is counted.
Quick story: Detroit had challenged estimates during the 2007-08 period by building up new permits and being less than accurate on demolitions. As a result, the Census re-upped 2008 and 2009 estimates to about 900,000. Planners knew it was high, but not as bad as the 2010 result of less than 800k, which was driven down more by a lousy census effort.
If you have not yet filled out the 2020 Census, please do so at