Oakland County Parks Free Until June 1
(Oakland County, May 5, 2020)
Oakland County Parks and Recreation has waived entry fees for all county parks until June 1, inviting residents and other guests to enjoy a walk in the park at no cost.
The offer extends the one made on March 20 and encourages everyone to enjoy the splendor of the Oakland County day-use parks at no charge. The extension was announced jointly today by County Executive David Coulter, the county Board of Commissioners and the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission as a continuing response to COVID-19 pandemic.
“Visiting an Oakland County park is a good option any time of the year, allowing us to recharge mentally while enjoying the obvious benefits of fresh air and pristine natural areas, ” Coulter said. “There’s no question this pandemic has been a test for us all, and I’m grateful so many of our residents continue to practice social distancing and the things to keep themselves, their families and friends safe. This is making a difference.”
The Oakland County Parks system offers nearly 80 miles of trails and encompasses 7,000 acres. The parks system has trails for walking, hiking, mountain biking and equestrian riding. OCPR’s website oaklandcountyparks.com features detailed information about each location. The normal charge for the day-use park is $5/vehicle for county residents and $12/vehicle regular rate.
“Our visitor numbers have increased three-fold for this time of year based on car counts,” Parks Executive Officer Dan Stencil said. “It’s obvious people are enjoying a place to stretch their legs and get outdoors with their immediate family. And, we have observed that our guests are taking the call to social distancing seriously. Their diligence played a part in our decision to extend the free park entry.”
Coulter strongly recommended park visitors follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines to prevent the spread of infectious diseases including avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; cover mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze; and most importantly, staying home if you feel sick.
The parks that are open include:
Addison Oaks County Park, 1480 West Romeo Road, Leonard
Catalpa Oaks County Park, 27735 Greenfield Road, Southfield
Highland Oaks County Park, 6555 Milford Road, Highland
Lyon Oaks County Park, 52251 Pontiac Trail, Wixom
Orion Oaks County Park, 2301 W. Clarkston Road, Lake Orion
Rose Oaks County Park, 10501 Buckhorn Lake Road, Holly
Waterford Oaks County Park, 1702 Scott Lake Road, Waterford
The nature centers are closed, but the trails are open at:
Independence Oaks County Park, 9501 Sashabaw Road, Clarkston
Red Oaks County Park, 30300 Hales St., Madison Heights.
All playgrounds, park buildings and restrooms are closed. However, portable restrooms are provided at all locations. A complete listing of portable restroom locations is posted at oaklandcountyparks.com.