Ferndale Celebrates Music with All-City Concert
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 9, 2020)
Ferndale, MI – Students of all ages filled the Ferndale High School gymnasium on Feb. 1 for the district’s All-City Concert. This tradition has lasted 62 years, with generations of Ferndale area families gathering to hear the younger Eagles soar through a collection of musical numbers.
The day began with choir songs, and a performance of the Winter Guard in the Middle School Gym. Then dozens of students took to the floor of the High School Gym to perform for the bleachers full of parents and other fans. The Fifth Grade beginning band started the show off with a rendition of London Bridge, ending their spotlight with the William Tell Overture. Each successive band added their own flavor to the musical stew, including the FHS Symphony Band with their John Williams: Movie Adventures montage, and the FHS Wind Ensemble contributing Michael Jackson Through the Years.
Volunteers from Ferndale Fine Arts Boosters raised money through selling raffle tickets and refreshments, and those seeking to educate voters about the upcoming bond vote also had a table with information.
For more on Ferndale Schools, visit their website www.ferndaleschools.org.