County Budget Passes, Includes Employee Wage Increase and Road Funding
(Oakland County Executive Office, Sept. 25, 2019)
Pontiac, MI Pontiac, Mich., Sept. 25, 2019 – Working with Oakland County Executive David Coulter and his team, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a balanced three-year budget today. Passing a balanced budget for fiscal years 2020-2022 with the full support of the Board of Commissioners marks a milestone for Coulter’s new administration who had set out to achieve just that.
“Unanimous approval of Oakland County’s balanced three-year budget sends a message of stability that all county elected officials are working together on a bipartisan basis on behalf of our residents and taxpayers,” Coulter said. “Thank you to all the commissioners and other county elected officials for signaling that together we are retaining the County’s strong fiscal practices.”
Passing the budget with a unanimous vote was among Coulter’s first priorities when he was appointed County Executive in August. The strength of Oakland County’s economy and fiscal policies is recognized throughout the state and nation. This strength is based on multi-year budgeting practices, effective management of retirement obligations, a fund balance that exceeds the minimum recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association, and an intense focus on economic development and quality of life issues. Plus, as illustrated today, another unanimous budget approval by the board of commissioners.
“In the last weeks, we came together to define our additional bi-partisan priorities,” Coulter said. “We wanted to send a strong signal to employees that we value their efforts. And, all of us are committed to helping local communities with investments in road improvements.”
Under the new budget, there will be a two percent general salary increase when fiscal 2020 begins Oct. 1 in order to help Oakland County remain an employer of choice in a competitive job market.
Also, there is a plan to establish a $2 million fund balance assignment with the fiscal 2019 Year End Report for local road projects through the county’s bi-party roads program, up from $1.5 million last year.
Under the bi-party roads program, a municipality must initiate and appropriate one-half of the cost of a local road project and then apply for matching funds from Oakland County.
In addition, there’s $2 million to be assigned for local road projects through the county’s tri-party roads program where a local municipality must initiate and appropriate one-third of the cost of a local road project and then apply for matching funds from Oakland County and the Road Commission for Oakland County. That brings the total amount for local road projects assigned in the budget to $4 million. For both road programs noted, subsequent project resolutions must be approved by the Board of Commissioners for program appropriation.
The general fund/general purpose estimated revenue and appropriations are balanced at $475,603,464 for fiscal 2020; $484,709,989 for fiscal 2021; and $489,626,487 for fiscal 2022. The total budget is $921,919,551 for fiscal 2020; $932,201,134 for fiscal 2021; and $937,571,168 for fiscal 2022.
Learn more about the Oakland County Budget on the Oakland County website.