Julia Music Appointed to Ferndale City Council
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 23, 2019)
Ferndale, MI- Ferndale City Council unanimously appointed Julia Music to serve on City Council through the end of the year. She is taking the spot left vacant by Dan Martin when he resigned in order to accept the appointment to Mayor.
Martin became Mayor after former Mayor Dave Coulter resigned in order to serve as County Executive.
Music has been active in the Ferndale community since she was 16 and attending programming at Affirmations LGBT community center. In 2002 she bought her first home in Ferndale. She served on the Ferndale Community Foundation, ran the Taste of Ferndale fundraiser, and helped start Ferndale Pride nearly ten years ago. She now is the Director of Ferndale Pride, an event that continues to grow and give back to organizations in the community, as well as works with many city departments.
On the Nov. 5 ballot there are two seats for City Council with a full four-year term. Candidates for that race are Ben Buttolph, Nada Daher, Augusto Flores, Kat Bruner James, and incumbent Councilperson Raylon Leaks-May.
There is also a two year term City Council seat that was vacated by Melanie Piana, who had to resign in order to run for Mayor due to the rules of the City Charter. Rolanda Kelley, Laura Mikulski, Maryanne Wessels, and Dennis G. Whitttie are vying for that position.
Piana and Brian Stowowy are the only two contenders for the Mayor position in the Nov. 5 election.
More information:
Oakland County Clerk
Michigan Secretary of State
Oakland County Times Nov. 5, 2019 candidate interviews
Oakland County Times 2019 election news page
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