Gun Among Items Stolen from Unlocked Cars as Ferndale and HP See Increase in Thefts
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 10, 2019)
Ferndale, MI- Ferndale and Hazel Park Police have noticed an increase in thefts from unlocked vehicles, one of which included a gun being stolen.
Ferndale Police Chief Vincent Palazzolo told City Council Monday that “Over the last 3 days 7 vehicles and one home broken into north of 9 mile on West side. All were unlocked. Several had articles that were in plain view.”
And in Hazel Park Chief Brian Bukholz had a similar report to give at Tuesday’s City Council meeting, noting an increase in thefts including a stolen gun.
“We recommend you keep your vehicles locked and valuables out of plain view,” said Ferndale’s Chief. He also asked for the public’s help.
“If you see someone walking down the street pulling on door handles please give us a call.” The police are also going to be contacting residents in the areas of the break-ins to see if they have any video evidence from survalience cameras.
If people find videos of the suspect(s) on their cameras, or have other information, they an email