Pontiac Announces Passing of Councilperson Don Woodward
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 5, 2019) Pontiac, MI – Pontiac Coucilperson Don Woodward was found dead Thursday in his Pontiac home.
Pontiac Mayor Deirdre Waterman announced Woodward’s passing, stating that Oakland County Sheriff’s deputies “entered his home today and found he had expired peacefully.”
Woodward had announced at the most recent city council meeting that he would be resigning due to health issues.
“Please join us in extending our deepest sympathies to his family and friends and to all of us who respected and were touched by his years of service to the community,” Waterman said. Woodward served as representative of District 2 for two terms.
According to the City of Pontiac website, Woodward retired from the Department of Mental Health after 25 years of experience, and worked at Grace Centers of Hope for twelve years. He had an associate degree in psychology from Hillsdale College. He was first elected in 2013.
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