MDOT Seeking Input from Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing Community on Mobility Needs
(MDOT, March 25, 2019)
Lansing, MI- The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is developing a new state long-range transportation plan (SLRTP), known as Michigan Mobility 2045 (MM 2045), that will establish a vision and priorities for transportation in Michigan for 25 years.
MDOT and the Michigan Department of Civil Rights Division on Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing staff will be on hand to gather input from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 29, at the Capital Tower, 110 W. Michigan Avenue, Suite 800, in Lansing.
The visioning session will allow MDOT to gather broader input from the public. The session will also provide key stakeholders from an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) community the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the long-range transportation planning process.
Michigan residents are encouraged to join the conversation and share input regarding their priorities for state transportation and best methods for outreach to Americans with disabilities. Deafblind interpreters and Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) services will be available to participants on site during this meeting.
With advance notice of seven days, additional accommodations can be made for persons with disabilities and/or limited English-speaking ability, and persons needing auxiliary aids or services of interpreters, signers, readers, or large print. Call 517-335-4381.
The public can view the public and stakeholder participation plan, provide comments, and get information on these sessions at Public comments also can be sent to or shared with MDOT’s social media sites at or Comments also can be sent via U.S. Mail:
Anita Richardson
Michigan Mobility 2045
Michigan Department of Transportation
Van Wagoner Transportation Building
425 West Ottawa St.
P.O. Box 30050
Lansing, MI 48909