Trouble Paying Property Taxes? Treasurer Hosting Meetings

Trouble Paying Property Taxes? Treasurer Hosting Meetings Wixom, Pontiac and Southfield, MI- Oakland County Treasurer Andy Meisner is hosting a series of taxpayer assistance meetings.  Meet one-on-one with Treasurer’s staff to discuss your 2016 and prior delinquent property taxes and find out if you are eligible to set up a Repayment Schedule. 5 convenient locations…

Farmington Police Warn Against “Porch Pirates”

  Farmington Police Warn Against “Porch Pirates” (Farmington Police, Nov. 30, 2018) Farmington, MI – The Farmington Public Safety Department issued an alert Friday with the subject “porch pirates,” stating: “The city of Farmington Public Safety recently took a report of a white teen male wearing a green jacket , black pants, and with a…

Birmingham Ready for Small Business Saturday

  Birmingham Ready for Small Business Saturday Those who shop in Birmingham on Saturday, November 24 will enjoy special incentives while supporting the local economy. Small Business Saturday is a nationally recognized event dedicated to supporting small businesses across the country. Brand new this year, shoppers can earn Birmingham Bonus Bucks and attend the inaugural…

Month of Merriment Begins in Berkley with Small Business Saturday

  Month of Merriment Begins in Berkley with Small Business Saturday (Downtown Berkley, Nov. 22, 2018, orig. Nov. 19, 2018) BERKLEY, MI. – The Berkley Downtown Development Authority (DDA) heralds the holidays with a month-long celebration filled with events and activities the whole family can enjoy during MerriMonth. Beginning Nov. 24 and continuing through Dec.…