Troy Narrows Down City Manager Choices to Three, Interviews Nov. 15
Troy, MI – After conducting a special City Council Meeting on October 27 to interview six candidates for the Troy City Manager position, the Troy City Council selected three finalists: Victor Cardenas, Chris D. Wilson, and Rex Saukkonen.
Residents are invited to a public engagement session on Thursday, November 15 at 5 pm in the City Council Chambers at Troy City Hall, 500 W. Big Beaver Road to meet the three finalists. The second round of interviews and City Council deliberation will be held at a Special City Council Meeting starting at 7 pm in the City Council Boardroom following the public engagement with the three candidates.
Victor Cardenas is currently the Assistant City Manager in the City of Novi, Chris Wilson is the Village Manager of the Village of Beverly Hills, and Rex Saukkonen is a contractor for Decypher Corporation in Mildenhall, UK.
“It was a difficult decision narrowing down the six finalists to three based on the excellent caliber of the candidates,” Mayor Dane Slater said.
Information about the candidates is posted on the City’s website at