Medical Marijuana Provisioning Center Seeks Ferndale Approval
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 18, 2018)
Ferndale, MI – Prior to the State of Michigan establishing rules for medical marijuana facilities, CLDD, LLC was one of five businesses that had applied for special land use permits in Ferndale to open a medical marijuana related facility.
Work being done to the interior of the building was paused due to the change in requirements, but in now moving forward again. The proposed provisioning center, if the site plan is approved by the Ferndale Planning Commission, will be located at 2625 Hilton, just south of Woodward Heights. There are two buildings on the property, one of which is a medical supply warehouse.
The applicant has received pre-approval from the State of Michigan and is permitted to seek local approvals. They must receive local site plan approval as well as a Certificate of Occupancy and an operating license from the State.
According to the staff report to the Planning Commission, “The subject site and surrounding parcels are zoned M-1 (Limited Industrial). The proposed medical marihuana provisioning center use is permitted in the M -1 zoning district. The proposed provisioning center is not located within 500 feet of an educational institution, nursery school, or child care center, or another provisioning center or safety compliance facility or medical marihuana facility. The Future Land Use Map designated the site as Mixed Use.” The site plan includes 57 parking spaces, which exceeds the required 33, plus four bicycle parking spaces will be added. The building will be modified to enclose and reconfigure windows and doors for security purposes. There will be less than 5,000 square feet of retail space and service area open to the public, and up to 5,000 square feet of space not open to the public for storage and administrative purposes. Staff recommend that “That exterior appearance of the building shall remain compatible with the exterior appearance of buildings or structures already constructed or under construction within the immediate area, and shall be maintained so as to prevent blight or deterioration or substantial diminishment or impairment of property values within the immediate area.”
The Planning Commission is expected to discuss the Site Plan at their Sept. 19 meeting. For more info click here.