Rochester Hills Warning Drivers to be Cautious of Deer
Rochester Hills, MI- As the
seasons change and deer begin to be more active, the Deer Management Advisory Committee (DMAC) would like to remind drivers to be vigilant and keep an eye out for deer on the road.
According to the Michigan State Police, each year, there are nearly 50,000 reported vehicle-deer crashes in Michigan. About 80 percent of these crashes occur on two-lane roads between dusk and dawn. The most serious crashes occur when motorists swerve to avoid a deer and hit another vehicle or a fixed object, or when their vehicle rolls over.
DMAC has launched a public education campaign to raise awareness to improve driver safety. Temporary Electronic Signs with the message “High Deer Crash Area, Use Caution” will be placed throughout the city. These signs are strategically placed based on “hot spots” for deer in the fall. These spots are often correlated to areas where roads run along natural areas and

Additional awareness efforts include deer gardening programs, educational materials, direct mail communication, and more. “Deer are an important part of our wildlife and are valued by our community,” states Lance Devoe, Rochester Hills Naturalist. “Installing signs is just one step we can take to lessen potential conflicts between drivers and wildlife.”
To learn more about deer safety or the Deer Management Advisory Committee please visit or call the Parks & Natural Resources Department 248-656-4673.
DMAC webpage