Explore: Dodge Park 4 in Waterford
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 15, 2018)
Waterford, MI – Dodge Park 4 is a State Park in Waterford with little slices of different scenery, which makes it extra fun to explore. The park is located off Cass Elizabeth Road and covers one mile of Cass Lake shoreline.
Along that mile and in the woods that back it, visitors may find:
-A sandy beach for swimming.
-Grassy areas with occasional trees and picnic tables to provide many relaxing views of the sparkling water and boats drifting by.
-A pathway along the water’s edge that includes a bridge over natural wetlands, the sounds of birds and bullfrogs, a kiosk with information about Cass Lake that plays with the push of a button, and places where the lush greenery lining the walkway is spotted with the pink, purple or yellow of wild flowers.
-A boat launch
-Fishing docks
-Pavilions, volleyball net, nice restrooms
-An area of woods with a path that includes a human-made tent of sticks, and the possible chance encounters with chipmunks, squirrels, and deer.
According to the park’s website “The land which now comprises Dodge # 4 State Park was donated to the State of Michigan by the Dodge Brothers Corporation in 1922, under the stipulation that it always be maintained as a public park.”
A State Parks pass is required for entry, but can be purchased onsite. The park is located at 4250 Parkway Drive, Waterford MI, 48327.
Check them out online at Michigan DNR website.
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