State Police & Fire Safety Series #2: Fireworks
(Michigan State Police, June 26, 2018)
Michiganders and visitors alike are urged to make safety a top priority in all seasonal activities while enjoying Pure Michigan at home or on the road. Summer safety tips from Michigan State Police Director Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue and State Fire Marshal Kevin Sehlmeyer will help ensure we have a great time and stay safe. Common sense, a watchful eye on the kids, and ongoing vigilance in every activity will help you and the entire family have fun and avoid potential mishaps or worse, tragedies.
“Potential for carbon monoxide poisoning and accidents is a concern in a lot of summer activities, including fireworks, camping and backyard grilling,” said Sehlmeyer. “Remember to keep the kids away from the fireworks, and always keep a fire extinguisher or bucket of water handy when lighting fireworks.”
-Fireworks are explosives and any mishaps can result in irreparable injury or death.
-If you set off fireworks, always purchase them from an authorized retailer; look for the seller’s license displayed. Never purchase fireworks packaged in brown paper. Follow the manufacturer’s directions.
-Adult supervision is a “must” with fireworks and sparklers.
-Keep people and pets out of range before lighting fireworks.
-Light fireworks one at a time, back away immediately to a safe distance.
-Light fireworks outdoors on a driveway or other paved surface at least 25 feet away from houses and highly flammable materials such as dry grass or mulch.
-Sparklers pose a high burn risk; children are being injured by being poked with sparkler wires.
-Always keep a bucket of water or a running garden hose handy in case of fire or other mishap.
-Douse spent fireworks and sparklers in a bucket of water before discarding them.
-Never re-light “dud” fireworks that have not fully functioned; (wait 15 to 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water).
-A safe way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a professional firework display.
Visit the Bureau of Fire Services website for more fire safety information.
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