Madison Heights Seniors Advocate in Lansing
(Crystal A. Proxmire, May 25, 2018)
Madison Heights, Royal Oak, Lansing, MI- Madison Heights City Councilperson David Soltis brought a bus full of special guests to Lansing on May 16 for “Older Michiganians Day.” The annual event, hosted by Michigan Area Agencies on Aging and Aging Network Partners, includes a rally that takes place on the Lawn of the Capitol Building that brings together hundreds of seniors, aging service providers and senior advocates with their legislators and key state officials.
“This was the 5th year I took a bus load of seniors to Lansing,” Soltis said. “It’s a significant day where seniors around the state come to lobby for themselves. Madison Heights is only city represented with a city official. It’s important because seniors are sometimes easily disenfranchised and overlooked. Advocacy is critical.”
While there seniors got a tour of the Capitol building and enjoyed lunch with older adults from around the state. They spoke with Senator Vince Gregory and the seniors also got to be introduced on the floor of the State House of Representatives by State Rep. Jim Ellison. Ellison also met with seniors from Royal Oak who came with local volunteers Jack and Patti Salter, for whom a community center is named.
“Concerns varied but staying in their own home is big concern,” Soltis said. “Meals on wheels funding is another that ties together.” Madison Heights was the first city to join the Silver Key Coalition.
The coalition includes groups like several Area Agencies on Aging, Michigan Senior Advocates Council, National Multiple Sclerosis Society Michigan Chapter, AARP of Michigan and Disability Network of Michigan. Their goal is to “support the desire of older adults and adults with disability to remain living at home for as long as possible.”
Among their focuses are increasing state-supported in-home services like Meals on Wheels and in home care like chore assistance, personal care, help with cleaning and maintenance, and adult day services.
The City of Madison Heights has a Senior Center, as well as resources for their older residents. Learn more at
Learn more about Silver Key Coalition at
Learn more about Older Michiganians day at