Professor’s Presentation Sheds Light on Gerrymandering

Professor’s Presentation Sheds Light on Gerrymandering (Sam Gurwin, April 26, 2018) Birmingham, MI- We may remember a snake-like diagram from middle school that illustrated “Gerrymandering.” The sketch reminds most of history, this idea that in the past corruption dictated voting districts.  This political practice was named after Governor Elbridge Gerry, the Massachusetts Governor of old…

Professor’s Presentation Sheds Light on Gerrymandering

Professor’s Presentation Sheds Light on Gerrymandering (Sam Gurwin, April 26, 2018) Birmingham, MI- We may remember a snake-like diagram from middle school that illustrated “Gerrymandering.” The sketch reminds most of history, this idea that in the past corruption dictated voting districts.  This political practice was named after Governor Elbridge Gerry, the Massachusetts Governor of old…