Holly Teen Arrested for Threat of Shooting up School
(Holly Police, March 23, 2018)
Holly, MI- On March 23, 2018 a 17 year old, resident of the Village of Holly was arraigned via Oak Video following his arrest yesterday for making Threats to his Snap Chat followers, most of whom were students of the Holly Schools. Students reported the incident to the School Resources Officer as the photo caption he sent out had a title of “I feel like shooting up a school today”. The investigation was turned over to the Oakland County Prosecutors Office for review. As a result of the review the teen was charged with Malicious Use of a Tele Communications Device. Detective Heather Wolkow swore to the warrant in the 52-2 District Court. Oakland County A/Prosecuting Novy handled the arraignment. The Defendant was represented by retained Council.
His bond was set at $50,000 Personal Bond no release without GPS Tether, House Arrest and other conditions including not allowed on any school property and possessing firearms by Magistrate Daniel Schouman of the 52/2 District Court.
The potential sentence for TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES – MALICIOUS USE is a MISDEMEANOR: 6 Months and/or $1,000.00.
NOTE: Police Reports come directly from the Police Department or agency involved and are written by the person or agency listed below the title. We generally run these “as is” or with minimal editing for punctuation, spelling, etc. Suspects should not be presumed guilty. Those needing more information about a case are encouraged to follow up with the reporting agency or court system for the most current information.
In this case, Oakland County Times removed the suspect’s name because he is a minor.
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