Berkley City Council Appoints Bridget Dean to Fill Vacancy
(Crystal A. Proxmire, March 6, 2018)
Berkley, MI- At their Monday night meeting, Berkley City Council appointed Bridget Dean to the vacancy left by the resignation of Alan Kideckel.
Dean serves as the Vice Chair of the Berkley Downtown Development Authority and she owns Have You Any Wool yarn shop.
According to her DDA bio, Dean says “I’m a small business owner and Berkley resident. I started my yarn shop, “…have you any Wool?”, 13 years ago. I bring experience as a small business owner and knowledge of the business district to my position on the DDA. I believe that this is an exciting time in Berkley and I’m delighted to be part of the growth of our downtown.” She is also a resident.
Council members repeatedly thanked the 25 residents who applied to fill the vacancy. “This is an unenviable task we have up here today,” said Mayor Dan Terbrack. “We have one vacancy. We have super qualified candidates.” He stated that he and others on council “received a number of emails in support of a number of the nominees.”
Ross Gavin was among the members who voted in support of Dean. “I believe Bridget has an understanding of all the issues that affect the City of Berkley. I also believe she’ll approach it with an open heart and a commitment to the residents of Berkley.”
Gavin himself was recently appointed to the Council, a circumstance that rarely happens. “It is not very common; we have had to do this twice in the past three months,” Mayor Terbrack said. “It has happened exactly twice in the past ten years.”
The City received eight applications, a subcommittee of Council members narrowed the pool down to Bridget Dean, Sue Citraro, Natalie Price, Jessica Lumbreras, Charlene Kondrat, Charles Tyrell, Devin Bone and Kevin McNulty who spoke to Council on Feb. 26 about their reasons for seeking to serve.
“It’s just amazing how much enthusiasm there is,” said Councilperson Jack Blanchard. “I can’t say enough about the volunteers in the city and the talent we can draw from. Thank you everybody that applied. It was fantastic, thank you.”
Dean will be sworn in sometime in the next couple of days, with the ceremonial swearing in at the next City Council meeting.
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Note: this article was updated to reflect that there were eight applications accepted for the vacancy.