Village of Holly Council Picks Tom McKenney for President
Holly, MI – Following the resignation of Council President Jim Perkins, the Council voted 5-1 to appoint Tom McKenney to the position.
McKenney is an attorney who has been active in the community in many ways including service in the Holly Area Chamber of Commerce and on the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Kiwnis Club. He also served on Village Council from 2007-2009.
Mayor Pro Tem Deb Musgrave made the appointment because of McKenney’s legal background. She said that the Village is facing an appeal of litigation regarding the water lawsuit that was dismissed in December.
“McKenney is well-respected, he’s a legal attorney and he works for many municipalities. He has been on Council before… he’s done a great job.”
Councilperson Dave Cruickshank was the only dissenting voting because he felt that the vacancy should be filled by someone currently on the Council. “Going straight to the President seat without out being elected is part of the question,” Cruickshank said. In discussion Councilperson Chris Rankin also expressed concern about the process, but ultimately supported the nomination.
The Village Charter only requires that a nominee be qualified and approved by Council. Musgrave said that the appointment was “not a slam against the voters. It’s not a slam against anybody here on council…I’m looking at the whole betterment of the community.”
Perkins resigned Feb. 12 due to family health issues. Mayor Pro Tem Deb Musgrave served in the interim, running Council meetings and even stepping in at the last minute to give the State of Holly Community address. McKenny will serve until the next general election which is November, at which time he would have the option of running again if he so chooses. In November there will be three Council seats plus the President seats up for election.