Holly Chamber Networking
Breakfast Feb. 23
Holly, MI-
February Networking Breakfast
Friday, February 23, 2018
7:30 am
Villager’s Restaurant
Presentation by
Holly Christmas In Action
The personal sharing at the end of the morning has been revised. We encourage everyone to take a few seconds to announce who they are and anything they have going on. We invite anyone wishing to speak for up to three minutes to bring a minimum $25 door prize from either your business or a Chamber member business. If you are planning to bring a door prize to the breakfast, please let Richard know in advance by contacting him at the Chamber office. If you are interested in a sponsorship to have yourself, another speaker, or an organization present at a breakfast, Richard would be happy to speak with you.
More on the Holly Area Chamber of Commerce: https://hollychamber.com/
Thank you to White Castle for sponsoring the Bold Move Event Page!
Order sliders online, or search for the location near you.
Visit the Event Page for other fun and educational things to do!
To submit an event, email info to editor@oc115.com