Persistence of the
Imagination Art Reception at Ferndale Library Feb. 22
FERNDALE, MI- Harkening the end of winter and ushering in Women’s History Month, “The Persistence of the Imagination” is a celebration of feminine courage and endurance, hosted at the Ferndale Library, Feb 11 – March 31. This exhibition brings together intuitive paintings and assemblage art by Metro Detroit area artists Alana Carlson, Rosemarie Hughes, Terri Light, Linden, and Denise Rieck. The Reception for “The Persistence of the Imagination” will be hosted at the Ferndale Library on Thurs., Feb 22, from 6pm-8pm.
These works herald feminine spirit and the endurance of beauty amidst the dark.The exhibition explores connections with nature and animals, family and home. The range of emotions plays out in the works, including humor, sorrow, joy and contemplation. Encaustic artist Rosemarie Hughes says, “We all have our stories, our truths and our secrets.”
The reception on Thursday, February 22, will feature live music by singer/songwriter Carmel Liburdi, a dance arrangement by Stella Isis Rothe, and spoken word performance by Sparrow Karras. There will be refreshments and an opportunity to interact with the artists.
“Wake up and dream,” said assemblage artist Terri Light. “We want to give the viewer pause about what is happening around them in society and what is occurring in their own subconscious.” And painter Denise Rieck added, that “…in quiet moments of reflection, we are faced with change and choices. It is in these moments where the real work begins and ends.” The diverse mediums of the art include realistic oil and acrylic paintings, encaustic wax works, and assemblage pieces created from random objects. These seasoned artists have a deep history in Detroit and have previously exhibited throughout metro Detroit, including the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center, the Scarab Club, Northville Art House, and the Janice Charach Gallery.
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