City Manager Patrick Sullivan Named MME President
(MME, Feb. 4, 2018)
Northville, MI- Patrick Sullivan, Northville’s city manager, is the new president of the statewide association representing Michigan’s municipal managers.
Sullivan was selected as the 2018 president of the Michigan Municipal Executives (MME) during the organization’s annual Winter Institute in Ann Arbor Jan. 30-Feb. 2. Sullivan succeeds Keith Van Beek, Ottawa County deputy administrator. Sullivan served the past year as the organization’s president-elect.
“I’m truly honored to help lead MME for the next year,” Sullivan said. “This organization does so much to develop and support local government leaders. I’m really proud of the work we do in communities across Michigan and will do all I can to promote our profession.”
Sullivan has been the Northville city manager since March 2006. His previous governmental experience included 10 years as superintendent of the City of St. Clair; four years as assistant village manager and village clerk of Beverly Hills; manager of the Village of New Haven; and township clerk of Lenox Township—all in Michigan. Sullivan received a masters of public administration from Oakland University, and a bachelor of public affairs from Wayne State University. His professional memberships include the International City/County Management Association, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, and a board member of MME. He has been a member of MME since 1990.
During his one-year term, Sullivan said he will focus on increasing awareness of the profession to help attract a new generation of municipal executives.
“Baby Boomers are retiring and leaving all levels of our workforce, so we need to make sure we attract great leaders to carry on our work,” Sullivan said. “Part of that is making sure the leadership of MME is more diverse going forward. We need to let everyone who has the talent and passion to lead local governments know that we are going to welcome and support them.”
In addition to selecting Sullivan as president, the organization elected the following to serve new roles and terms on the board: president-elect Fenton City Manager Lynn Markland, vice president Ludington City Manager John Shay, and trustees City Manager of Marine City Elaine Leven, Marquette County Administrator Scott Erbisch, and Sturgis City Manager Mike Hughes.
MME is a nonprofit, professional organization representing the managers of Michigan’s cities, counties, townships and villages. Its purpose is to foster and encourage the personal and professional development of its members so that they can better serve their communities and to promote, encourage and preserve high ethical standards for municipal administrators.
The purpose of Michigan Municipal Executives is to foster and encourage the personal and professional development of its members in order that they may better server their communities and to promote, encourage, and preserve high ethical standards for municipal administrators.