Novi Honors Ryan Trainer as
Employee of the Year
(City of Novi, Dec. 13, 2017)
Novi, MI – Department of Public Services Work Leader Ryan Trainer understands his interactions with residents typically come during unfortunate times – a water main break, frozen pipes and sewage backups to name a few.
But it’s because of his calm demeanor and excellent communication, that Trainer makes those difficult times a little easier to handle. Even when it comes to his fellow colleagues in the water and sewer division, Trainer is always accessible and goes above and beyond to ensure the team’s success.
It’s for those reasons and many others than Trainer was recognized last Friday at the annual Evening of Appreciation as the City of Novi Employee of the Year. Joining him as finalists were Studio No.VI team members Josh Buscher and Damon Parnell, Novi Parks Recreation Supervisor Amelia Purdy-Ketchum, DPS Work Leader Dean Reid and Novi Police Sgt. Kevin Rhea.
“It’s never easy selecting an employee of the year considering the tremendous employees we have here in the City, and this year was no different,” said City Manager Peter E. Auger. “Ryan is an outstanding choice and sets a great example for others to follow in terms of his work ethic and compassion for residents.”
Trainer, who has worked for the City for 19 years, was nominated by a colleague in DPS. In the nomination they said Trainer “demonstrates outstanding customer service with every resident he comes in contact with,” and “goes above and beyond with fellow employees,” helping create study guides for exams staff is required to take and spending time prepping them for their Class A and CDL driver’s licenses.
“It’s been a privilege to have worked with the DPS employees for the last 19 years and an honor to receive this award on behalf of the City,” Trainer said.
The City of Novi created the Employee of the Year award as a way to acknowledge exemplary City employees. The award is open to all full-time and permanent part-time City employees. For more information or to submit a nomination, visit