2017 Candidate Interview:
Sunil Sivaraman for Troy City Council
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 13, 2017)
Troy, MI – Sunil Sivaraman is one of seven people running for three seats on Troy City Council. Also on the Nov. 7, 2017 ballot are: Kurmar Giri, Mark Gunn, David Hamilton, Ellen Hodorek, Paul McCown, and Edward Pennington.
Sivaraman has worked for Ford Motor Company for 23 years. He is a Troy Historical Village Trustee, a volunteer on the Charter Committee, the Financial Ideas Team and is part of the Mentor Plus Program through Troy Youth Assistance.
“I stand for three main priorities,” Sivaraman said. “Number one I want to ensure that your hard earned money is utilitized right. By this I mean I will fight any tax increase and I will try to find innovative sources of funding. The second priority that I stand for is protecting our environment. Our flora and fauna and our natural resources in Troy has to be protected. But this I do not mean I am against growth. I am all for growth because growth is what brings a city money and jobs. But I want to coin a term ‘green development.’… The third most important thing which is very personal to me is the public truly is a melting pot. We come to Troy from various parts of the word to build our lives.”
Hear more of what Sivaraman had to say:
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All candidates are invited to do an interview and we are doing our best to connect. If you are a candidate that needs information, please email us at editor@oc115.com.
The Oakland County Times is a nonpartisan news source and interviews are done to help voters get to meet their candidates. We do not endorse any candidates, and statements made in candidate interviews are not fact-checked, though if we know of any errors we will include them in our story.
More candidate interviews are at https://oaklandcounty115.com/2017/07/01/2017-candidate-interviews/
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at: https://www.facebook.com/Sunil4Troy/