2017 Candidate Interview:
Mike Kroll for Baldwin Library Board in Birmingham
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 30, 2017)
Birmingham, MI – Mike Kroll is one of four people running for three seats on the Baldwin Public Library Board in Birmingham on Nov. 7. Also on the ballot are Ashley Aidenbaum, Melissa S. Mark and Frank Pisano.
Kroll has a Masters in Library Science from Wayne State University and has worked in libraries for 40 years, mainly in science and technology including at Harper Hospital, an aerospace research library, and Safety Engineering focusing on fire safety. He also became a certified fire inspector to gain hand-on insight for his work.
“I think the reason that people should vote for me is not only my experience and expertise in libraries, I do have a long term knowledge of that, having served in libraries over the years, but also I think that it might be a good reason to vote for me is it gives me an opportunity to give some pay back to the profession as a volunteer on the board. I would say that would probably be the two reasons.”
Hear more of what Kroll had to say:
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The Oakland County Times is a nonpartisan news source and interviews are done to help voters get to meet their candidates. We do not endorse any candidates, and statements made in candidate interviews are not fact-checked, though if we know of any errors we will include them in our story.
More candidate interviews are at https://oaklandcounty115.com/2017/07/01/2017-candidate-interviews/
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at: https://www.facebook.com/Mike-KROLL-Candidate-Birmingham-Baldwin-Public-Library-Board-117152352344536/.