HAVEN’s Detroit Lions Tailgate: Tackling Domestic Violence Oct. 15
IT’S ON US. Detroit Lions + HAVEN + YOU Team up with HAVEN and the Detroit Lions at the 5th Annual HAVEN Tailgate. Cheer alongside former Lions Legends and HAVEN supporters for the Detroit Lions vs. New Orleans Saints game on October 15! Registration at 12:00 p.m. | Kickoff at 1 p.m. | Guest appearances by Lions Legends & mascot Roary | Football Squares | Buffet Lunch | Open Bar | Cigars | Liquor tastings | Silent & Live Auctions TO SPONSOR contact Hannah at 248-322-3705 Thank you to presenting sponsor, Lear Corporation! Sunday, Oct. 15 noon to 5pm Birmingham Athletic Club 4033 W. Maple Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
Thank you to White Castle for sponsoring the Bold Move Event Page! Visit the Event Page for other fun and educational things to do! To submit an event, email info to editor@oc115.com
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