Music, Fire, & Flirtatious
Dancing Amidst Michigan Renaissance Festival Fun
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 14, 2017)
Holly, MI – A circle of Lords and Ladies of the Michigan Renaissance Festival listened eagerly as Queen Elizabeth shared her wisdom of medieval dancing.
“First I am going to show you the boring way to dance,” she said with a dramatic yawn. Her eyelashes fluttered and her voice raised a pitch as she continued, “And then I will teach you how to dance with flirtation.”
She called forth a gentleman in poofy pants to demonstrate. Ladies in lovely gowns yawned as the Queen made a circle around the kneeling man. “And now we will dance, with flirting,” she said. Circling once again, her highness barely touched the man, though his arm momentarily brushed the small of her back while she fanned herself in a flutter. “Oooh, I think he tickled my palm,” she said as the women around her gasped, giggled and blushed at the push of Victorian boundaries.
Soon couples were joining in, learning to dance in the afternoon sun. All around them the kingdom buzzed with activity. Merchants lined dirt roads, peddling artsy clothing, crystals, candles, old fashioned toys and other wares. Gigantic turkey legs and ice cold pickles kept visitors’ bellies full. And around every corner there was new magic to be discovered.
One particularly fiery performance came from Manolete, whose talents include playing with fire and twirling around balls on a string. With torches waving about, the daredevil/comedian told jokes and tried to terrify members of the audience. One little boy was fearlessly ready to catch a torch, which of course was never actually thrown. And a grown up was called on stage to don a wig and a dress while Manolete flung his dangerous weapon just inches from the nervous man’s face.
The festival was filled with music as well, including traveling minstrels, bands on multiple stages, and the intermittent chirp of wooden bird whistles that were being sold. There was also plenty of laughter and memories as the Michigan Renaissance Festival delighted those who made the trip to Holly to attend.
The festival takes place every weekend through October 1. For more information visit their website at
For more Daytrip to Holly ideas, click here. For discounted hotel rates check out Comfort Inn Grand Blanc.
If you’d like to see Manolete perform he’ll be at Gray’s Operah House in Romeo on Sept. 22 and Oct. 6. Click here for more info.
And for more events throughout Oakland County visit the White Castle Oakland County Times Event Page.