How YOU can Help HAVEN
Save People from Abuse
(HAVEN, Aug. 27, 2017)
As a nonprofit, we rely on the generosity of others to help us carry out our efforts. It’s that effort, however big or small, that goes directly to helping survivors. Without it, shelter would not be provided, wounds would not be healed, lives would not be saved, hope would not be found and confidence would not be restored.
Although you may not have time to volunteer on a regular basis, there are many ways to help HAVEN through events, group projects, or spreading awareness.
Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter
Click here to request volunteer information
Click here to learn more about our internship program
Click here for our “How Can I Help” flyer
Click here for our “How Can My Company Help” flyer
Tour HAVEN’s facility to experience firsthand what we do and ways you can help. For more information or to make an appointment, contact Hannah Heebner at 248-322-3705 or email Please note that space is limited. Our offices and our shelter are secure locations. Directions will be provided to you once we receive your reservation.
Host a Gift Drive
Host a Fundraising Event
Attend a Fundraising Event
Volunteer Groups
Spread Awareness
A fun way to support HAVEN is to host a gift drive comprised of items on our wish list. The Residential and START programs both have ongoing, year-round needs to run their programs, such as: food, toiletries, baby items, and household supplies. By hosting a gift drive, you provide critical items needed to run these programs while allowing HAVEN to continue to provide services free of charge.
Take a look at our wish list to learn more. If you decide to host a gift drive, please contact us in advance at 248-322-3705 or
A great way to help while having a good time is to host a fundraising event for HAVEN. Some ideas include company-sponsored casual days, spaghetti dinners, bake sales and wine tastings. Some restrictions apply, click here to review our guidelines.
Click here to submit an event proposal form.
For more information, contact Hannah Heebner at 248-322-3705 or email
In addition to client services and prevention education programs, HAVEN hosts events throughout the year that help raise donations, promote awareness and educate others. We would love to see you at our annual Gala or Tailgate party.
Take a look at the event calendar to learn more about our events.
Simply decide on a project; get a group together; and let us know what you’re interested in doing by filling out the group project form. You do not need an application or training to assist with these projects. If you don’t know what type of project you’d like to help with, contact us today for a list of ideas
Plan an event or activity for current shelter residents (movie night, game or story night, crafts, massages, yoga, etc.)
Volunteer to organize and clean the shelter playroom toys, common areas (lounges, kitchen, dining room) and pantry
Work in our garden planting, weeding, and harvesting fruits and vegetables
To learn more about volunteering as a group, please contact Sierra Sharpe, at
248-334-1284 ext. 458 or at
Invite us to speak at your company or service organization. Our programs include an overview about the organization; domestic violence & sexual assault awareness; prevention programs; bystander intervention; sexual assault in the workplace and more.
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Follow our blog Give Hope A Voice