Townhall to Discuss Pro Side of Medical Marijuana Zoning in Holly Aug. 17
Holly, MI – On Thursday, Aug. 17 from 6:30-8:30pm Holly Councilperson Dave Cruickshank will hold a medical marijuana town hall to get input from residents before voting on the issue.
The topic of allowing medical marijuana related businesses has been brewing in Holly for months. In June council heard a presentation from Jack Wheatley, a project manager with Rowe Engineering, about the most recent changes to Michigan law that mean that communities can permit up to five types of medical marijuana businesses or they can chose not to allow any.
The business types are: growers, manufactures/processors, distributors/dispensaries, transportation and testing facilities.
There are requirements by the state for each type of business, and municipalities can also impose regulations such as requiring special permits, lighting and possibly hours and signage.
Communities can pass ordinances to opt-in. They can pass ordinances to opt-out. Or if they do not pass any ordinance there is debate as to whether they will remain marijuana-related businesss-free or if businesses might argue they have the right to open based on other codes. Because of this risk several communities, including Holly Township, passed bans on those types of businesses to specifically solidify that they are not permitted.
In the Village of Holly there are people on both sides of the issue, with several speaking at Council as well as discussions taking place on social media. Cruickshank hopes to provide an atmosphere to dive into the “pro” side of the issue.
“Come and learn why some feel the time is right for Holly to act on this opportunity. This is an extremely important topic for us all to learn a bit more about. If you are dead-set against the initiative, this is probably not your meeting. If you are either pro and want to ensure we are doing this right and safely, on the fence or just not sure what to think; than this meeting is for you. This is a civil discussion; yelling and otherwise unprofessional behavior will not be allowed. We’ll meet in the “media room” (across from the auditorium) at Karl Richter Community Center,” he wrote in the event posting.
The Village Council will discuss the matter at their Aug. 22 meeting.
For other marijuana related stories CLICK HERE.
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