2017 Candidate Interview:
Susan Moffitt for Clawson City Council
(Crystal A. Proxmire, July 23, 2017)
Clawson, MI – Susan (Sue) Moffitt is running for Clawson City Council on the Nov. 7, 2017 ballot. Matt Ball has also turned in petitions and they could be more as the filing deadline has not yet come. This will be updated if there are more opponents.
Moffitt has worked in human resources and project management, and is proud of starting a job seeker networking group.
“One of the things that anyone who knows me will tell you is that that things that are important to me I’m very passionate about. I’ also someone who can sort of drive results so they will know… I will work very hard to make sure the goals of the citizens in the community are met in an appropriate way and that we move forward.”
Hear more of what Moffitt had to say:
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at: Website not found.