2017 Candidate Interview: Matthew Ball for Clawson City Council
(Crystal A. Proxmire, July 21, 2017)
Clawson, MI – Matthew (Matt) Ball is running for Clawson City Council on the Nov. 7, 2017 ballot. Susan Moffitt has also turned in petitions and there could be more as the filing deadline has not yet come. This will be updated if there are more opponents.
Ball is an “attorney turned musician” with a following as the Motor City Boogie Woogie Kid. He and his wife have lived 14 years in Clawson and they have a six year old son.
Ball has volunteered for the Arts and Cultural Socitey, and the Arts and Authors Festival in years before having a child. His passion is creating an environment of arts and culture in Clawson. “I’ve performed at exactly the kinds of events that I’ve seen can enrich the community,” Ball said.
Hear more of what Ball had to say:
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at:http://matthewball4clawson.com/