Madison Heights and Hazel
Park Kids Celebrate Mud Day
(Crystal A. Proxmire, July 6, 2017)
Madison Heights and Hazel Park, MI – At Green Gardens child care centers in Madison Heights and Hazel Park, they know that part of growing up means getting messy. And on International Mud Day, June 29, it’s the messiest day of them all!
“We decided to participate because one of our core values at Green Garden is caring for our environment, we know children won’t want to care for the environment until they learn to love it, so we offer many opportunities for them to interact with the natural world on a daily basis to help foster that love for nature,” said Erica Tank of Green Gardens. “Offering this mud day was just one more unique way we were able to get the children interested in the natural world and including their parents in the event made it even more special and memorable for everyone involved.”
“This was our second year participating, but the first year we opened it for parents to join and the response was incredible!
“We had parents and teachers down in the mud right with the kids, to be honest we think the adults may have enjoyed it more! The kids get messy all the time and for them it was just another fun day at Green Garden, but for the parents to be able to act like kids again it was a magical experience.
“The laughter that filled our playgrounds was contagious and we’ve received numerous emails full of great feedback from our parents,” Tank said.
About 60 kids participated between the two campuses plus about 20 Green Garden teachers. The kids ranged from six months old to eight years.
For more on Green Garden visit