2017 Candidate Interview:
Jules Olsman Huntington Woods City Commissioner
(Crystal A. Proxmire, July 5, 2017)
Huntington Woods, MI – Jules Olsman was elected to Huntington Woods City Commission first in 2009 and again in 2013. He is seeking re-election on the Nov. 7, 2017 ballot.
Potential opponents are not yet known, but this post will be updated once the County Clerk’s list of candidates becomes available.
Olsman, who has been an attorney for 39 years, talked about several things he and fellow Commissioners have been able to accomplish along with city administrators and staff. Among the successes he mentioned were financial stability, public safety, improved blight and appearance ordinances, improved roads, improved communications, a victory in a lawsuit with Oak Park and the purchase and repurposing of Sam’s Market.
Hear more of what Olsman had to say:
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at: email JBOlsman@Olsmanlaw.com