OC Times / White Castle Event Page Launch Party July 26
Ferndale, MI – Join us on Wed, July 26 any time between 5pm and 8pm at White Castle 21400 Woodward Ave, Ferndale, MI 48220 for our Oakland County Times / White Castle Event Page launch party and fundraiser.
The launch party will feature lots of fun including a prize wheel, presents from White Castle, special guests and a ribbon cutting. Everyone is invited to come mingle/network, celebrate and help us bring the Oakland County Times up to the next level of service to our readers!
15% of all sales benefit local journalism at Oakland County Times.
There will also be a special “mystery book” fundraiser. For $15 you get a gift-wrapped book (title hidden) from Editor and Publisher Crystal Proxmire’s personal collection. The books also contain surprises between the pages, including several with hidden gems that exceed the cost in value!
The White Castle naming rights sponsorship is helping us do more with Oakland County Times by giving us resources for the Event Page. We are also looking for naming rights sponsors for other key sections of the website. And we have low cost local advertising packages available at https://oaklandcounty115.com/sponsorshipadvertising/. Please support all the advertisers who are part of Oakland County Times!
How did did exciting partnership come about? Well, that’ s a good story. Read about it HERE.
For more event listings go to https://oaklandcounty115.com/events/
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