15 #BookFaceFriday Pictures from Berkley Public Library
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 24, 2017)
Clawson, MI – A social media trend that’s catching on among libraries is #BookFaceFriday. Staff and patrons find book covers with incomplete faces or bodies, then pose with the books to complete the picture. The Ferndale Area District Library, Blair Memorial Library in Clawson and Berkley Public Library have been sharing pictures on Fridays to fit the theme. Here are 15 fun ones from Berkley!
Lauren Arnsman coordinates the photos for the Library. “We thought it would be a fun way to get people involved with us on social media and bring them into the library. Everyone loves it! I know of a few people who look forward to seeing what we’ll post on Friday. It’s also a lot of fun getting staff to participate,” Arnsman said. ” My favorites would have to be the one we did with the Detroit Designosaur or the Phil Collins one. I love getting the poses just right. It’s really fun.”
Check out the Berkley Public Library on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BerkleyPublicLibrary/