2016 Candidate Interview Lori Savin for Judge of 6th Circuit Court
(Crystal A. Proxmire Nov. 6, 2016)
West Bloomfield Twp, MI – Lori Savin is running for Judge of the 6th Circuit Court in Oakland County. She is running against Victoria Valentine for this nonpartisan position.
When asked why people should vote for her, Savin said “I am the candidate that has family law experience. In fact family law and juvenile law is what I’ve practiced my entire 20 year career. For the past 13 years I’ve been a hearing officer in Oakland County’s Family Division where I do a lot of the same tasks that judges do on a day to day basis. So I conduct hearings. I take evidence and witnesses and then have to apply the law to their specific facts of the case, making a recommendation that is best suited for that families’ needs.
“I work really hard and trying to help the family not only resolve their disputes for the issue that’s in front of me specifically, but also to try and help bring more rational decision making to help the parents so that in the future as there are problems that arise, perhaps they’ll have the tools and skills they need to try and take care of their family without needing the courts intervention.
Additionally I spend part of my week over at the courthouse at motion call, where I help to try and resolve all sorts of issues involved in family court cases… so I really do have a broad range of experience both in juvenile court and what we call domestic relations, that’s families that are separating…. I think that’s why the major news outlets that have made endorsements have endorsed me, which is the Detroit Free Press, the Detroit News and I got the support of Between the Lines which I’m really excited about.
In her interview with oc115, Saving talked about her 20 year law career which started in Legal Aid. She also volunteered in a shelter for women in domestic violence situations, and has been involved in her children’s’ schools.
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This post will be updated with the links to the interviews of other candidates as they become available.
The oc115 is a nonpartisan news source and interviews are done to help voters get to meet their candidates. We do not endorse any candidates, and statements made in candidate interviews are not fact-checked, though if we know of any errors we will include them in our story.
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at: http://www.savinforjudge.com/.