Huntington Woods Residents Ponder Senior Housing, Discussion Continues Oct. 15
(EVENT page)
Huntington Woods, MI – Dozens of residents came out to the Recreation Center last Wednesday to discuss the state of housing in Huntington Woods for older adults who may want to remain in the community as they age.
They learned about Universal Design, which means features that make homes accessible for everyone. Not only is Universal Design a benefit to seniors, but also to people who may have older relatives that visit, or who may find themselves or someone in their home injured. Even a sprained ankle or broken leg is enough to make someone realize how inaccessible their home is. There is a trend for builders to incorporate Universal Design into building plans, and awareness is spreading in the general public.
Residents also discussed what kind of housing exists in Huntington Woods currently (mainly single family homes without accessible features), and what kind of housing could be added, and where.
The Senior Advisory Committee, made up of residents, had been brainstorming ideas to help get the conversation rolling at the Sept. 28 meeting.
Those in attendance discussed the possibilities, and the results of the discussions will be presented at an Open House on October 15 from 9am to noon at the recreation center.
Communities in SE Michigan face a shortage of housing that meets the needs of older adults and of others who may not want to live in a family-sized space. For older adults the issues may include the inability to take care of a yard, not wanting to clean an entire house, paying utility bills for space they may not need, challenges with stairs, or even a desire to simply live closer to other people in a similar situation as theirs.
SEMCOG projections show that by 2035 there will be a 24% decrease in people under 18, and a 72% increase in the number of people 65 or older in Huntington Woods.
“From those who want to take no action now to folks who envisioned approaches that had never before been expressed, we are off to a great start,” said Committee Chair Howard Collens.
The City of Huntington Woods sent a notice to participants about what happens next, stating “The City thanks all the residents who were able to participate in the September 28th Aging in Places visioning session. Input from the small group discussions will be consolidated by the City’s planners and presented at an open house on Saturday, October 15th at the Gillham Recreation Center. At the open house, 20-30 photos of different housing types will be displayed and participates will be asked which one(s) they like best or if they prefer the status quo . The open house will be a drop-in format and run from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, call 248.581.2632.”
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