2016 Candidate Interview
John Randle for OCC Trustee
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 25, 2016)
Farmington Hills, MI –John Randle Sr. is one of over a dozen people who are running for Oakland County Community College (OCC) Trustee. There are three open seats. This voluntary position helps oversee the administration and the budgeting process of the institution. Those running include Evan Agnello, Susan E. Anderson, Kathleen Anna Bertolini, Jessica Gingell, Pam Jackson, Thomas W. Kelly, Thomas E. Kuhn, Terrell VanCleef Lockart, Max C. Milstein, Emily Mixter, Charles E. Murphy, Christian Noordhoorn, James Paul O’Rilley, John Randle Sr, E. Wadsworth Sherrod III, Eric J. Siegel, and Tim Terpening.
Randle said he first started looking at the Trustee position when he realized he’d seen promotional materials for several colleges and universities, but none for OCC. “One thing I’ve always said is for trustees and leadership to be visible, to be available to talk about issues,” he said. “I think there’s an opportunity for the leadership and the school in general to be more involved in the lives of some of the high schoolers that are going to be making the transition to OCC in the form of some dual enrollment programs, having representatives at career fairs, things as such. So that would attract students as well. As for the taxpayers/voters they could send things in the mail. The current tax rate is 1.58 mills so when you’re paying taxes, how about sending out information about what’s going on with OCC?”
In his interview with oc115, Randle talked about his experiences as Human Resources Director for Farmington Hills and as a professor at Marygrove College where he teaches HR and Labor Relations. He talked about increasing enrollment, challenges with state funding, community involvement and the importance of education.
Check out our Elections Section for other candidate interviews, or use the search bar at the top to find stories for your community.
All candidates are invited to do an interview and we are doing our best to connect. If you are a candidate that needs information, please email us at editor@oc115.com.
This post will be updated with the links to the interviews of other candidates as they become available.
The oc115 is a nonpartisan news source and interviews are done to help voters get to meet their candidates. We do not endorse any candidates, and statements made in candidate interviews are not fact-checked, though if we know of any errors we will include them in our story.
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/john-randle-sr-occ-board-trustees-john-randle-sr-mba-phr-shrm-cp?articleId=7522680873581968906.