Development Planned for E.
9 Mile and Bermuda in Downtown Ferndale
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 22, 2016)
Ferndale, MI – The development slated for the former St. Paul’s United Methodist Church site made it past the Planning Commission on Wednesday and needs to go to the Zoning Board before breaking ground. The property, located at 165 E. 9 Mile, is planned to complement the Lofts on 9 which are across Bermuda Street and share an owner.
The plan calls for a 4 story mixed use building with 27 apartments and a rooftop terrace for residents. On the ground level there will be 1,969 sq feet of space available for retail or office space.
The design has a brick facade, metal siding and clad aluminum windows. Parking will be screened in with metal screens that will have ivy climbing up it. There will also be a trash chute for residents to use.
Owner Noah Dorfman said he is unsure what business might take advantage of the rentable space. “It’s going to be up to the market who is interested in that spot or location,” Dorfman said.
As far as the apartments, they will be higher-end. “We don’t know the price range as we haven’t bid the project out fully but we are excited to be a part of the growing CBD district and working with Justin Lyons has been a pleasure. We do expect these to be towards the higher end and we have been very successful with that demographic at Lofts on 9,” Dorfman said in an interview following the meeting.
He also noted that he had approached the City of Ferndale with ideas to team up and bring the existing lot (behind Como’s) and his property together as the site of a mixed-use parking structure, but no agreement could be reached.
The Planning Commission approved granting an 8 space variance, as well as allowing a more narrow maneuvering lane of 20 feet instead of the required 24 feet. There is also a variance to allow an overhead door similar to the one at Lofts on the 9 to provide a secure way for residents to park. Additionally the Transit-Oriented
Development (TOD) overlay district requires there to be no setback for new developments. However this project includes space for a sidewalk with a setback of 8 feet.
Planning Commission Chair Sara Roediger was among those that voted to approve the project, stating “It’s a logical extension of what’s across the street and it beefs up our residential downtown.”
If approved by the Zoning Board and Council, Dorfman hope to have shovels in the ground in early spring.
More info can be found HERE.
An unrelated development seeks to add 112 residential units a couple blocks east of this one. Read more about it at
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NOTE: A previous version of this story stated council approval would be needed, but according to Mayor Dave Coulter there does not need to be a vote of council because it is a “permitted use” of the property.