2016 Candidate Interview
Immanuel “Ike” Eickholdt for State Rep 45th District
(Crystal A. Proxmire, July 31, 2016)
Rochester Hills, MI – In the race for State Representative for the 45th District, Immanuel “Ike” Eickholdt is one of two Democrats running in the Aug 2 primary. Whomever wins between Eickholdt and Ted Golden will then be up against incumbent Republican Michael Webber. The 45th District includes Rochester Hills, Rochester and Oakland Township.
Eickholdt recently moved to Rochester Hills after getting married. He previously ran unsuccessfully for State Rep. and Sheriff in Lapeer County, and also was involved in the Courser-Gamrat scandal. As part of a plan to cover up the affair of two Republican legislators, he testified that he sent false emails
“Where I think I can help,” Eickhold said about his current race, “where I add value, is big data. I am very good at taking data sources, putting that information together, mapping processes, and making sure we’re moving things through as fast as we can. Optimizing resources. Everybody’s struggling with budgets and these things, and I want to make sure everybody’s getting the best bang for their buck. And I’m here to break down barriers, that’s my job.”
Eickholdt talked about road funding, property taxes, education, the economy and the environment. He also urged people to get involved in their community, and he shared some political artwork
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at: www.ikeforstaterep.com.