2016 Candidate Interview:
Lisa Brown Oakland County Clerk and Register of Deeds (video)
(Crystal A. Proxmire, May 26, 2016)
West Bloomfield, MI – Former State Representative and current Oakland County Clerk Lisa Brown is seeking re-election.
Brown faces challenger Michael D. Smith in the Aug. 2, 2016 primary. The winner of that race will face the winner of the Republican Primary, either Tina Barton or Bill Bullard in November.
When asked why she is running, Brown said “I’ve accomplished so much in the past three and a half years in moving the office forward and I don’t want to see us move backward. There’s so much more I want to do. When I ran four years ago I said I wanted to bring leadership and integrity to the office and I feel that I have done that. Even the first two things I had to deal with when I came to the office were the lawsuit for marriage equality and changing the direction we took on that as far as being a defendant in my office capacity. And also there was a nine week backlog in the Register of Deeds Office, and if you think about that it really affects our economy, people trying to sell homes and having to wait until a document goes through. So these were the big issues.”
In her interview with oc115, Brown talked about the decision to support marriage equality and to open the Clerk’s office to same sex weddings. She also talked about her efforts to improve customer service and mobile office services, prevent fraud, reduce expenses and about the overall spirit of the staff.
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All candidates are invited to do an interview and we are doing our best to connect. If you are a candidate that needs information, please email us at editor@oc115.com.
This post will be updated with the links to the interviews of other candidates as they become available.
The oc115 is a nonpartisan news source and interviews are done to help voters get to meet their candidates. We do not endorse any candidates, and statements made in candidate interviews are not fact-checked, though if we know of any errors we will include them in our story.
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Learn more about this candidate’s campaign at: https://www.facebook.com/lisabrownforcountyclerk/