Novi Community School District’s Response to Lead Testing Inquiry
(Crystal A. Proxmire, April 27, 2016)
Novi, MI – As they see the images of children in Flint lined up to get bottled water or crying over blood tests, people around the country have been wondering about the safety of the water they and their families use on a day to day basis to cook, clean, bathe and drink. Parents, teachers and advocates have also been calling for testing of the water in schools.
When lead and copper are issues, it is often caused by old pipes or old fixtures. Even when old fixtures are there, corrosion control in the water helps protect users. But testing is the best way to know if the protections are working or not.
After learning that Oakland Schools had put out an RFP for water testing, the oc115 contacted school districts from throughout Oakland County to find out where they stand on testing.
Superintendent of Novi Community School District Steve Matthews said “We test every two years. Our last test was in 2014. We had no positive results for either lead or copper.
“We are scheduled to test again before the end of the school year.”
The 2014 test results were sent in a pdf, which interested readers can download here.
To read what other school districts had to say, check out Local Schools Vary on Testing for Lead in Water.