Farmington Teacher Named
Elementary School Teacher of Year
(Oakland Schools Educational Foundation, April 23, 2016)
Farmington, MI – A Farmington Public Schools elementary teacher earned high marks from her principal, colleagues and former students to be named 2016 Oakland County Outstanding Elementary School Teacher of the Year.
On Wednesday, representatives of Oakland Schools, together with Farmington Public Schools administrators, knocked on the classroom door of Cheryl Newcomer, a sixth grade English and social studies teacher at Power Upper Elementary School, to announce the award.
Newcomer, of Westland, Michigan, began teaching in Farmington in 2006. She was selected from a pool of 22 elementary school nominees by a committee comprised of education and community representatives. Candidates are evaluated in six areas: Engaging students, meeting individual needs of students, demonstrating knowledge of subject area, demonstrating classroom management, relating to parents and colleagues, demonstrating citizenship and leadership in the school community. Supporting statements from colleagues, parents and students are also considered.
When asked to describe Mrs. Newcomer, one parent said, “No matter what a student’s needs are, Cheryl finds ways to meet them with confidence, competence, and confidentiality when needed.” Former student Emily Snyder added “Her happiness and energy made the classroom fun.”
Newcomer, along with the middle school and high school Outstanding Teacher of the Year winners, and the remaining 66 nominees, will be honored at an event at Oakland Schools on Thursday, May 5. The three winners will each receive a check for $2,000. The Oakland County Outstanding Teacher of the Year program is sponsored by the Oakland Schools Education Foundation with funds from other sponsors.