Infant Mortality Down in Michigan Though Racial Disparities Continue

Infant Mortality Down in Michigan Though Racial Disparities Continue (MDHHS, April 10, 2016) LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) today announced the recent release of the 2016-2019 Michigan Infant Mortality Reduction Plan. The Plan provides a roadmap for Michigan to continue improvements in ensuring infants thrive through their first…

Bouchard Named ‘Sheriff of The Year’…

Bouchard Named ‘Sheriff of The Year’ By National Sheriffs’ Association (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, April 10, 2016) Pontiac, MI _ The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce that Sheriff Michael J. Bouchard has been awarded the prestigious national Ferris E. Lucas Award for Sheriff of the Year 2016 from the National Sheriffs’ Association…