Ribbon Cut for Daily Dinette
in Ferndale
(Crystal A. Proxmire, March 3, 3016)
Ferndale, MI – The Daily Dinette is now officially open. With a Tuesday night ribbon cutting, owner Brian Kramer along with family and staff welcomed the public to Ferndale’s 24 hour dining option. The Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Development Authority were there to help celebrate.
The Daily Dinette has “the kind of food you want to eat anytime,” Kramer said. There are breakfast sandwiches with house-made English Muffins and tater tots. There are burgers and fries. The veggie burger is a delicious option. And the main attraction is the donuts, including on-the-spot-made cider mill style donuts made in a machine at the counter for the customer to see.
The Daily Dinette is part of a dual concept restaurant that fills the spaces where Buffalo Wild Wings and Twisted Shamrock used to be on West 9 Mile near Allen. The Daily Dinette is at the back of the building, even boasting a carry-out window right on the alley. And Pop’s for Italian fills the front. That is expected to open March 16.
The Dailiy Dinette features a fun atmosphere with pink leather booths with accents of gray faux fur, and decorative lanterns shining down from above. One section of the space has been set aside for workspace, with plugs for laptops and phones.
Kramer owns several restaurants including Rosie O’Grady’s, One-Eyed Betty’s, and Cantina Diablo’s in Royal Oak.
Learn more about the Daily Dinette at www.thedailydinette.com, or stop in any time.
Previous story: https://oaklandcounty115.com/2016/01/30/preview-of-pops-and-daily-dinette-in-ferndale/