Pontiac Man Accused of Shooting Nephew
(Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, Feb. 23, 2016)
Pontiac, MI – INCIDENT: 11:48 hrs. – Feb. 20, 2016 – City of Pontiac – Attempt Murder / Shooting – #16-29020
SUMMARY: Deputies were waved down in the area of Franklin Rd. and Pearsall by a subject who stated someone had just been shot. Deputies were directed to a home in the 500 block of Franklin Rd. Deputies located a male who was a victim of an apparent shooting lying outside of the home. Witnesses identified the shooter and stated that he drove away in a black GMC Sierra truck. Witnesses stated that the shooter was the victim’s uncle and that the two had been in an argument which turned physical before the shooting occurred. The victim was transported to McLaren Hospital – Oakland by STAR EMS for medical care.
OUTCOME OF INCIDENT: Deputies checked the area for the suspect with negative results. Detectives responded to assist with the investigation. An Evidence Tech responded to process the scene. The victim suffered two gunshot wounds, one to the shoulder and another to the abdomen. The victim is currently in surgery at McLaren Hospital – Oakland and is listed in serious condition. At 15:30 hours, Deputies were informed that the suspect was sitting in a parked vehicle in the 300 block of Motor Street. Deputies located the suspect in the vehicle carrying a loaded pistol. The suspect was taken into custody and conveyed to the substation to speak with Detectives. He was subsequently lodged at the Oakland County Jail pending the issuance of criminal charges.
VICTIM INFORMATION: 30 year old male; resident of the City of Pontiac.
Anthony Scott Crawford
36 year old Pontiac Resident
Mugshot attached
Ct. 1 Assault with Intent to Murder- Felony- Life or number of years
Ct. 2 Weapons-Felony Firearm-Second Offense– Felony -5 years
Ct. 3 Weapons-Firearm-Possession by a Felon- Felony- 5 years
Ct. 4 Weapons-Felony Weapons Felony Firearm-Second Offense -Felony- 5 years
Ct. 5 CCW- Felony- 5 years
Ct. 6 Assault with a Dangerous Weapon (F/A) – Felony- 4 years
Ct. 7 Weapons-Felony Firearm-Second Offense– Felony -5 years
Ct. 8 Interfering with Electronic Communications- Felony- 2 years
On February 23, 2016 Anthony Scott Crawford was arraigned at the 5oth District Court in front of the Honorable Judge Martinez. Mr. Crawford was given a$100,000.00 bond, cash surety. His next court date is on March 3, 2016 in front of Honorable Judge Gross.
NOTE: Police Reports come directly from the Police Department or agency involved and are written by the person or agency listed below the title. We generally run these “as is” or with minimal editing for punctuation, spelling, etc. Suspects should not be presumed guilty. Those needing more information about a case are encouraged to follow up with the reporting agency or court system for the most current information.
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